Posts Tagged ‘cartoon’

2014-12-17 Trading Card Trades

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014


I think the Mike Schmidt rookie card is worth a lot more than Han Solo but what do I know?

2014-12-15 Star Wars Trading Cards

Monday, December 15th, 2014


This story arc got me runnin’ to ebay to look up complete sets of the original 1977 card sets. Nostalgia, you’re a Siren’s call…

2014-12-08 Social Calendar

Monday, December 8th, 2014


The inspiration for today’s comic comes from growing older and trying to find time to spend with friends. I find that as we get older, more personal obligations pile up…appointments, family events, etc…It’s hard to just get together with friends without having to schedule it on your social calendar. I wish it were still as easy as when we were kids.

2014-12-05 Hard To Get

Friday, December 5th, 2014


At this rate, P.J. and Rachael are NEVER going to get married…

2014-12-03 Countdown To Christmas

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014


By about this time of year, just after my birthday and leading up to Christmas was the most enjoyably agonizing time of year.