Posts Tagged ‘Comicon’

2012-07-23 Get Your Geek On

Monday, July 23rd, 2012


I had a brief moment where I second guessed myself regarding this comic. The reference to Batman, in light of recent events in Aurora, CO, made me a little uneasy. After some deliberation, I decided to go ahead and post it. Batman is one of my favorite super heroes and those people in that movie theater were fans as well. So, ‘ll be damned if some psychopath is gonna take that away from us.

Pittsburgh Comicon 2012

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

Well, it’s that time again…Convention season is upon us and the Pittsburgh Comicon will be my first appearance of the year. I’ll be sharing a table with Michael Cole, creator of “Dragin” (, my good friend from Asheville, NC. It’s going to be a killer show…the guest of honor is none other than Stan Lee himself! Guess who’s gonna be a fanboy and wait in line to get an pic and an autograph…

I’m very excited to say that I’ll have a new collection of comic strips called “And This Year’s Award Goes To..” as well as the new version of my “Anytime,  Anywhere Beer Passport”.  And as always, there will be the grab bags for the kids, sketches, prizes and lots of witty banter!  Here’s the show info: If you’re in the area be sure to stop by and see us at the Luchador Enterprises tables!