Sketch Cards!

Drawing sketch cards has been a pretty lucrative and very enjoyable part of my comicon experience. As luck would have it, I met a professional sketch card artist at Frankie Con in March. After a short conversation as he flipped through my sketch card binder, he was generous enough to share all of his sketch card contacts with me. The result? Two companies interested enough to keep my samples on file and one job with Unstoppable Cards!

My first assignment included two sets of cards…the first was illustrating the characters from Gerry Anderson’s marianimation shows (Stingray, Joe 90, Fireball XL5 and Supercar.) Here’s a few samples of the finished cards:


doctor venus img085 img099 img069

The second set was really cool to work on…T2: Judgement Day, 25 Years On! What a blast to work on such a cool movie property! Check out a few samples:


terminator front t-1000 hole terminator gun

According to the owner of the company, new assignments will be given out soon…I hope I get to continue working with them!

Finally, for each set I send to them I get to keep five ‘artist proofs’ for myself. If anybody reading this is a collector, these are one-of-a-kind collectible sketch cards from a licensed card set. Let me know if you’re interested!